Bhojpur – Kathmandu microbus service flagged off


Bhojpur, Oct 18: A direct transport service between Bhojpur and Kathmandu was flagged off today.

The Chumlunga Transport Pvt launched the Bhojpur – Kathmandu microbus service. The transport company plans to field a fleet of six microbuses – each with 18 seats. It is currently operating two microbuses a day due to difficult road conditions.

The bus fare from Bhojpur to Kathmandu via Dharan has been fixed at Rs 2,500, said Sanjeev KC of Chumlunga Transport Pvt.

The microbuses offer free Wi –Fi, air conditioning service and LED coach. Earlier, passengers heading to Kathmandu from Bhojpur via Dharan were compelled to change different transport vehicles for a journey lasting at least three days. RSS

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