National Education Journalism Award presented


Kathmandu, Jan 3: Various journalists and media houses have been awarded with Education Journalism Award-2072, presented jointly by the Federation of Nepali Journalists and Department of Education, on Tuesday.
Minister of State for Education, Dhanamaya BK, presented the awards.
Makar Shrestha of Kantipur Daily and Surya Prasad Pandey of Annapurna Post have been jointly awarded with the National Education Journalism Award. The award carries a purse of Rs 75,000.
Similarly, more than 30 journalists and media houses of five development region were also awarded. On the occasion, State Minister BK stressed the need of timely revision in education policy.
Saying the Education Ministry was in stage of implementing its 19-point reform programme, Minister BK said that every student would get textbooks on time.
Similarly, Education Secretary Shanta Bahadur Shrestha complained that although the government has reconstructed many schools in course of post earthquake reconstruction, the media failed to give priority to it.
Press Council Nepal President Borna Bahadur Karki said that the future of the country and society would be bright only if education becomes effective.
Likewise, FNJ Chairman Dr Mahendra Bista, and Director General of the Department of Education, Baburam Poudel, said that collaboration between education sector and media sector was necessary.

प्रकाशित मिति: १९ पुस २०७३, मंगलबार

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