UML office vandalized in Mahottari


mahottar umlMAHOTTARI, Aug 31: The cadres of United Democratic Madhesi Front have vandalized the district office of CPN-UML at Jaleshower-1, Mahottari on Monday.
The Front has been waging an agitation in the district since 18 days against the decision of state delineation.

The cadres, who marched a motorcycle rally from the office of the Federal Social Forum, Nepal in the district, went the office of CPN-UML and torched the office furniture and important papers.

The offices of CPN-UML across various districts have been targeted by the Front, which the Party said, was an expression of ire for not supporting the ongoing Madhesh movement. RSS

प्रकाशित मिति: १४ भाद्र २०७२, सोमबार

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