Two-day banda hits public life hard in eastern region


TAPLEJUNG Sept 10: A two-day banda enforced at the call of the Limbuwan Joint Struggle Committee has affected public life since early morning in the eastern region day.
The banda has been announced in nine districts in the region including Taplejung. As a result, public transportation service has come to a halt with education institutions, factories and local market remaining close too.

The committee has demanded that the nine districts be federated into a Limbuwan province. The joint committee brings together the Federal Limbuwan Party, CPN-Maoist, Social Democratic Party as well as other ethnic groups and organisations.
The frequent organising of banda and strikes have hit the daily wage workers, students and businessmen severely.
Meanwhile, security measures have been tightened considering the banda period, the security source said. RSS

प्रकाशित मिति: २४ भाद्र २०७२, बिहिबार

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